V Bratislave vsetkym zname: SKSB Songs

Everyone knows that!


V Bratislave vsetkym zname (v Bratislave vsetkym zname), ze belasych radi mame (ze belasych radi mame), kazda pani kazdy pan (kazda pani kazdy pan), fanuskuje za Slovan! (fanuskuje za Slovan!) Glory, glory, Aleluja, glory, glory, Aleluja, glory, glory, Aleluja, Slovanisti do toho! (Dajte gol!)

Everyone knows that!


In Bratislava all the names (in Bratislava all the names), from belasych radi mame (from belasych radi mame), every lady every time (every lady every day), fanuskuje za Slovan! (Fanuskuje za Slovan!) Glory, Glory, Aleluja, glory, glory, Aleluja, glory, glory, Aleluja, Slovanisti score! (Give a goal!)

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